Solar services
To comprehensively address the challenges of investors and owners of solar power plants, iEnergy offers “Value Services” to existing and upcoming Solar Power plants.
Meeting performance targets and improving yield in practical conditions at site is of critical importance to the investors of solar plants. iEnergy offers techno-commercial services to existing captive solar plants.
Comprehensive Solar Plant Audit
Technical Audit: Technical audit of existing plant covering solar panels, inverters, installation and Balance of Systems constituting
Commercial Audit: Commercial audit of existing plant covers
Yield Improvement Recommendations
Based on the findings of “Comprehensive Solar Plant Audit”, iEnergy would provide techno-commercial recommendations to improve the yield and profitability of the solar plant. Cost-Benefit-Analysis of recommendations and the potential benefits would also be provided.
iEnergy can also take up responsibilities to carry out recommended work to achieve project objectives.
Restructuring Solar Plants
In some extreme cases recommendations could also involve partial or stage-wise restructuring of plants. If opted, iEnergy can also bring investors to invest into “plant restructuring” and recover their investments from the “financial gains of plant restructuring”.
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